Supporting STEM Education in Northern New Mexico
Tapping into algal diversity for biofuels
Algae is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when most people think of Los Alamos or its Global Security mission. For Amanda Barry of the Lab’s Bioenergy and Biome Sciences group, however, algae isn’t just the first thing she thinks of, it’s her answer to one of the world’s most pressing issues, energy security. Often at the center of international disputes, traditional energy resources like crude oil and natural gas are finite and fiercely sought after. Disputes over these resources have ignited wars costing trillions of dollars and countless lives, and will continue until we find alternative approaches to fueling modern life. At Los Alamos, Amanda and partnering researchers hope to provide one such alternative with efficient, environmentally-friendly algal biofuels.
Join us at UnQuarked on Monday, December 17 to hear Amanda talk about how research into algal diversity may provide planet-friendly alternatives to global energy issues and ultimately change how we fuel our lives.
The Bradbury Science Museum Association supports and inspires learners of all ages in Northern New Mexico and beyond through STEM Education.