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Supporting STEM Education in Northern New Mexico

  • BSMA
  • Science On Tap - Energy to explore deep space and other applications

Science On Tap - Energy to explore deep space and other applications

  • 19 Mar 2018
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • UnQuarked 145 Central Park Square, Los Alamos, NM

NEW Member Benefit!  Show your Bradbury Science Museum Association (BSMA) membership card (or join on the spot—at very reasonable rates) and get $1 off your food and/or drink during Science on Tap events.

Examining the universe, including other planets, requires a safe, compact, reliable, and durable power source that isn’t cost prohibitive. For applications where solar power isn’t feasible (like in deep space where there is little light), the Laboratory has helped pioneer a new KiloPower reactor for use in remote locations. Join us for this Science On Tap event when Patrick McClure, with the Lab’s Nuclear Engineering and Nonproliferation group, will explain how the team leveraged existing technology, like heat pipes and Stirling engines, to create a versatile power source currently undergoing testing. This Simpson’s-themed work (really, they use words like “KRUSTY” and “DUFF”) is open to learners of all ages.

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The Bradbury Science Museum Association supports and inspires learners of all ages in Northern New Mexico and beyond through STEM Education.

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