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Supporting STEM Education in Northern New Mexico

  • BSMA
  • Science meets comics meets workshop

Science meets comics meets workshop

  • 03 Mar 2018
  • 10:00 AM
  • 17 Mar 2018
  • 5:00 PM
  • Bradbury Science Museum
  • 10


  • Open to teens age 15 or older and adults
  • Open to teens age 15 or older and adults

Registration is closed

Sure, you could take a science class or one of several online classes on comic books but why not combine them both at the Bradbury Science Museum?

Join us as we explore the history and use of science in comics in this fast-paced, hands-on lecture, tour, and workshop!  We'll look at how the visual language of comic books has tackled everything from explanations of how Superman flies to the development of the Manhattan Project.  Then, workshop participants will explore the Bradbury in an exclusive tour led by Museum Director Linda Deck, and learn techniques of the comics medium and create science-based comics of their own.