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Supporting STEM Education in Northern New Mexico

  • BSMA
  • Science on Tap: What travels at 84% the speed of light and is used by researchers at Los Alamos?

Science on Tap: What travels at 84% the speed of light and is used by researchers at Los Alamos?

  • 16 Mar 2017
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • UnQuarked 145 Central Park Square, Los Alamos, NM

In response to requests from our previous Science on Tap attendees, this month’s topic will be LANSCE. That acronym stands for Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. Housed at Los Alamos, it’s one of the most powerful linear accelerators in the country. During this Science on Tap event, Gus Sinnis, both a deputy associate director for Experimental Physical Science and the facility’s user director, will introduce you to the technology that attracts more than 500 researchers here each year. Once on-site, international visitors conduct experiments that support both civilian and national security research.
A short, informal presentation will precede discussion, questions, and answers.
The event is open to those of all ages.

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The Bradbury Science Museum Association supports and inspires learners of all ages in Northern New Mexico and beyond through STEM Education.

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